Facts About Concussion and Brain Injury

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Returned 12/2011 after 5 years. I'm still a soup sandwich. 13 IEDs, shot 4 times in Afghanistan... mlm

I was diagnosed with epilepsy 9 years ago. Since then, I have had about 6-8 concussions. 4-5 were with impact to the front of my head with major swelling and bruising. I also had 1-2 concussions when I was 10-13 years old. I have had chronic migraines since I was 11. I am giving a history in order to better explain my history. My memory is getting progressively worse, I have a very difficult time remembering the names of co-workers and others, I get agitated very easily, am always anxious almost to the point of panicking. I have other problems but those are the worse. Does anyone else have a similar history? If so, what have you done?

I have a similar situation. I've had eight concussions in the last three and a half years. The doctors say that I am lucky. I've been struggling with speech and my emotional state is...questionable. I blew up over something small the other day at work. I've been going to therapy. I also do my best to breathe and listen to some light, quiet music whenever I can. Reading for small amounts of time also helps me.

I am the same, migraines since 12, took topirimate, concussion, can't remember coworkers names, anxiety, panicking attack over thought of getting migraine. On Ativan, antidepressants, learn deep breathing technique to deal with panic actually work. I still have post concussion syndrome at six months.

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While I do not have epilepsy, I too have had a number of concussions throughout my life. My last one was a few years ago -in my 40's, and it took me almost two months where I felt somewhat normal ( i.e. I would forget where I parked my car, although I parked my car in the same place for 3 years). None the less, there are other things I see/suspect are as a result long term. My hand writing seems worse, while not being a great speller to begin with, that seems to have gotten worse. I feel more distracted. Also my hair within the year of that concussion had gone almost completely gray. For two years after, I would get inner ear infections, and suffer from vertigo as well as migraines.
I have not done anything, because I have not really found any articles that speak to long term effects of concussions and the changes seem subtle enough that I want to explain them away ( age etc...), and quite possibly put my head in the sand.

I feel that reading others symptoms on this site, make me feel that this may be something I should look into further, and possibly speak to a DR about. If it gets worse, as I age, It would be better that I prepare now for the sake of my family so I am not a burden.

On November 18th in gym we were playing basketball, I jumped and fell really hard. My head slammed on the ground and I was out for a good 5 minutes, the teachers weren't in the gym so people had to try and find one. When I woke up I was nauseous, had a bad headache, my head was bleeding and swollen, along with the fact that everything sounded like how the adults talk in Charlie Brown movies, my speech was bad, and I was swaying back and forth. luckily it was last period of the day but I had to go to the hospital. It's been a month since then everything is kind of back to normal, my speech is almost better, light and noise still trigger headaches, the nausea is almost there and the same with the others. I have to go to a neurologist because of how bad the blow was and because all my symptoms are still.

How can I stop my hair from falling out after my concussion? I had my incident back in July and I forget my passwords 5 minutes after I changed it. Blurred vision.

Walked into an open window hitting the top of my brow knocked me flat on my back very disoriented for what seemed like a short while. Now however I have a swollen knee in a lot of pain

I was t-boned on my side in a motor vehicle accident over 5-weeks ago. Luckily, I walked away with only a concussion. But I still have severe dizziness, nausea, and headaches (that are worse than migraines). They are worsened by physical activity, working on the computer, shopping, and when I travel to higher elevations. I used to be extremely active and all I can do is sleep. I can barely work 15-hrs per week as the majority of my job is computer related. I am losing hope that I’ll fully recover, especially since I read a lot of you are experiencing symptoms months and years after your concussion... I will get to see a Neurologist on Dec 2nd. I’m really hoping to get answers and appropriate treatment.

Did you finally see a Dr and are you still recovering or fully recovered?

I am in your exact situation, super active with gym and work, now can't do anything, I've seen three neurologists, and a concussion specialist and they all say the same thing, it takes rest and time. This is frustrating. There is nothing you can do to speed up the recovery of the brain. I am at 16 weeks post concussion, and have spent $10,000 on chiropractors, physiotherapy, homeopathy, and accupuncture.

What are your symptoms? It took me 3 months to heal from a concussion I got back on September 28. Rest is important the first two weeks, but then you need to start rehabbing your brain through light cardio. Try walking 1 mile, then 2 miles, then 3 etc. Don’t push it to the point where you get a bad headache. Start up walking slow and try to increase your speed later. Exercise like this helped my brain heal. Eventually I was able to jog 1 mile, then two, and three. patience is key and listening to how your brain feels. Drink tons of water, get good sleep, and eat every two hours. Your brain will heal! When it does… You still must be careful to not push it too hard. nobody told me this and after two months of feeling good, I was at the gym lifting heavy weights and did a max clean and jerk and it blew up my brain! I must’ve tore neurons or blood vessels or some thing… The doctors haven’t told me exactly... they don’t know. Anyways, all of my concussions symptoms came back and I’ve been suffering for the past four months. It’s just now starting to feel a little bit better. Nighttime is the worst.

PS if your concussion is causing vertigo, or a weird spaced out dizzy kind of feeling, you need to do something called BPPV. Do it every day and your vertigo will go away. Mine went away after just two days of doing it. YouTube it...

Hi my name is soleil I 12 years old my brain been hurting really bad ever time I nodded it hurts I been getting smack in head a lot in my ear make noise i

Soleil how long has that been going on?

Who is slapping you in the head?

Hi Soliel,
My head hurts when I nod vigorously, or bend over and stand back up. Anything where my brain feels like it is getting jarred around in my head again.
After 1 of my severe TBI concussions I began losing memory & time, when run shake my head, or bend over(usually more than 1 time). I was told bcz of my brain bleeding, and it leaking fluid and swelling, I didn't have the right amount of fluid around my brain and I was getting bouts of amnesia from it, retro grade.
I had over 100 concussions many often were smacks up side my head which have popped my ear drums they were so hard... So dear is someone hitting you too?
I want you to contact me(I'm a mom of 3) I haven't been hit in head for 6.5 years at all, I put my person in jail.
One 54 one, 7eight7, one one88
I'd hope you call my cell or text it and we can talk further.

A old TV fell on my head last week I have a sunken in spot on my head and I think my head is bleeding inside but maybe I'm wrong not sure .I feel anxious talked to nurse on phone she says I should go to emergency room but I'm not sure I don't want to risk getting coronavirus and feel if my head was life threatening I'd have more pain instead of just a slight headache and blurred vision this am.I may have a concussion or a skull fracture .I'm not sure but I don't drive and have to walk to work tomorrow so I'm going to sleep but if I die tell my kids and grandchildren and family I love them.thanks and good luck on your head injury also .I'm going to rest and hope that helps my brain heal.Linda Harvey

I just read about what your goin through I was wondering how your appointment went. Last year I was also in an accident and had a brain aneurysm and I hit my head really hard which caused me to have very severe migraines where I would even say to people that my head was hurting so bad it felt like my brain was bleeding and I would just fall asleep out of nowhere for almost a whole day then I kept losing things after that I started to become really confused and completely out of it and suffered a stroke then hit my head in a dark room passed out and woke up in the ambulance but the stroke is what saved my life because I got taking to the emergency room and that's where they noticed I would need brain surgery. This was a little over a year ago now I'm doing good. Hope your doing alright and everything goes ok with the neurologist

My head feels like a baby softspot on my head .is this normal after a TV falls on my head I'm scared .I have a dent in my head now

2 1/2 weeks ago I missed a curb falling on my head which took the entire impact. Taken to the ER. CT was done, and, laceration above eye took 8 stitches. After BP came down a bit I was sent home. Since the I have had some blood out of the nose nostril on that side of the injury. Consulted my doctor who said it was probably a sinus problem, not, related to the injury. Today when I blew my nose even more blood came out of that nostral. Should I be concerned? 83 year old.

I had a similar accident and got 11 stitches and a fracture. The doctor was concerned because I had bleeding in the sinuses. Is there anyone you can ask for a second opinion?
If not, I would suggest writing your doctor and asking for a second look at your sinuses, especially if you haven't had this problem before.

Hi, I got a very bad hit on the back of my head by the hand-held steel shower while showering last Sunday. I started feeling headache and nausea after an hour and the headache continued till next day night. But the swelling on head is still there even after 5 days of hit.
After reading this article I am getting a strong feeling that concussion happened to me. I facing difficulty in work. In last 2 days I did the easiest work thrice by repeatedly doing the silly mistakes. I am feeling that am losing concentration on things,
Need your suggestion on this. Hope i will get a reply for this. Thank you for the useful information.
PS: I am suffering from Headache ( not confirmed whether it is migraine or something else) from last few years.

um so i was getting into the car two days ago and i hit my temple on the pointy bit of the door as it was swinging in. the past couple of days i have felt like im not in my own body and im not really all here, kinda like my bodies making decisions for me like moving and talking but like my thinking is delayed??? i dont know. its also an effort to hold a conversation too and i feel like i dont really have any emotions. i dont know if im just sleep deprived though so hopefully it will go away after a good sleep? anywhoooo

I had this from a concussion. Look up dissociation, derealization, and depersonalization. I had all three.

I had a mild concussion that was not complicated by anything per the CT scan. However, I did NOT heed the advice not to do anything strenuous (physical/mental). I had no problem with the physical rest but the mental rest was creating horrible boredom. The idea physicians have is that they will send a patient home because family members are more likely to know than the head injury patient that something is wrong. However, in my case I was on the computer blogging until 3 a.m one night, ignoring my horrible eyestrain. The next day, weakness set in to my right arm and wrist. The blow to my head was near the left side (eye orbit). I had NOT been counseled in any way by the Urgent Care or the doctor appointment I had with my primary care about weakness and what to make of that, so I just went with the fact that my CT was okay and ignored it. The problem is, I actually felt better (minimal bruising on the face/head) the first week of my concussion than I do the second. Now I have horrible eyestrain. I have light sensitivity. I have disrupted sleep. And I feel like my right hand — I'm right handed — is so clumsy and weak that if I didn't know any better I would suspect a stroke. Now get this: Everyone these days is addicted to their screens. Even my family members, being told I was supposed to STOP looking at my phone, kept texting me. When I asked them to stop after a week of being bothered with daily text messages, they got mad at me. I'm the one with the head injury but in my family THEY are the ones who need to be accommodated. My message to doctors and health professionals is not to assume the patient is better off at home. I didn't rest my brain at all possibly because of the judgment-impairing effects of the head injury and possibly because I got the false impression in the first 72 hours of my concussion that it was so mild. I

In summary, I'm the worse for what was diagnosed as a "mild concussion" wherein I didn't take the "rest your brain" advice seriously. As a result, I have pins and needles going down my right arm and weakness in my right wrist and hand. What's more, even though I presented at the Urgent Care and doctor's office as a fall victim, NOTHING about my spine was checked out. I was in a lot of pain from the fall after the concussion and simply went to a chiropractor for help. I was certain at the time that I didn't seriously injure anything but in hindsight I think the people who evaluated me should have taken my account with a grain of salt since that was possibly the "head injury" talking. I very well may have inured my neck falling sideways onto my left side, at which point my head hit a metal security door, and that may accounts for my neuropathy and weakness. Unfortunately, I will never know for sure because nobody ordered any X-rays (that's three medical appointments if you count the chiropractor). Meanwhile, my spouse who took time off work to watch over me per the instructions is now back at work and I do NOT feel safe to drive. (Beyond being tired, I feel like I am drugged in some way ever since the fall.)

In closing, when I read comments above that some people went to the hospital with memory loss and other more severe symptoms than I had and weren't even given a CT scan — or in my case no evaluation for spinal injury — I cringe at the lack of judgment medical providers had for people who weren't in their "right mind" to advocate for themselves in their post-head injury condition. So here's my message: If you find yourself in this situation, no matter if it's two days or two years, ask for an MRI or CT scan in the event you suspect there are problems (or even if you don't). Second if you have an addiction to your computer and smartphone or you know your family and friends can't pick up a phone and TALK vs. text, tell your doctor because you may be better off recovering in the hospital. At least that way your brain might actually have some time to heal. Mine didn't and my symptoms have become worse as a result of not giving my mind a break (I was too bored to rest in bed and watched too much TV, looked at my tablet too much, wrote a blog to the wee hours of the morning and kept receiving and responding to texts on my phone). The daily eyestrain is horrible and, in addition to the weakness I now feel on the right side of my body, I feel like someone stuffed a sock up the left side of nose (pain down the septum). The worst of it is, everyone thinks they can continue attaching me to the electronic leash that is my smarthphone — and I'm not allowed, apparently, to tell them "No".

sunday afternoon, so about 5-6 days ago, i was hit very hard on the top of my head with a break pad/ rotor while working on a car. the car was lifted and it jerked down and smashed into me. it sounds worse than it is but it still hurts and it was bad enough to knock me out for a few seconds. i got a pounding a headache a few hours afterwards and my whole head is very tight and tender. i went to my doctor the next day and he told me i had a mild concussion and i will be okay on thursday. it’s basically saturday now and my head is still killing me, my neck hurts, lights/ sound sensitive, i’m nauseous, everything. is this normal ? is it possible he miss diagnosed me or am i getting worse? i did go to school bc he told me it was okay. he just gave me a shot for my headache and sent me on my way

Ok, so the first thing I'm going to tell you is that every concussion is different. There are a lot of variables that determine how bad a person's injury is and when they will heal. Some of those variables include how hard you hit your head, where you hit your head, and your individual brain and genetics. Doctors cannot give a specific date when you should be healed because the brain is so complex and unique. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Brain injuries, even the mildest concussion, can affect someone greatly. Seeing how you passed out and a car fell on your head, I think that your concussion is not very mild. I'm not a professional so I can't tell you exactly what to do or when you will be better, but I can tell you that you are not alone. A lot of doctors are so frustrating and they usually don't know what they are doing, unfortunately. I recommend either going back to that doctor or another one if you can, and see if there are other ways to get help, such as concussion therapy. I can't tell you that this will be easy or that you will get better soon, although I wish it were that easy. I wish the best of luck to you!

Last year I got a really bad concussion. I was climbing on my sink in my bathroom to get something from above the mirror and I slipped and fell across the bathroom and hit my head on the tub. My mom took me to the hospital because I couldn't remember anything at the time and I couldn't feel my head. My mom told them what she thought had happened and that I couldn't remember anything or feel my head or my neck. After she told them, they left me in a hospital room for 4 hours and sent us home without ANY scans. They told my mom to wake me up a few times during the night to make sure I was okay. I still didn't remember anything from the last week, but I started to remember important stuff. I ended up not being able to read or write for 9 months. I couldn't feel my head or neck for 7 months. I couldn't do anything for 8 months. I couldn't look at any screens for 8 months.
It has been 18 months and I can function normally again! After 97 therapy appointments (vision therapy, vestibular therapy, and Cervical therapy) I am back to almost normal! I still can't do math like I used to be able to, but I got really lucky! The doctors ended up (5 months into having a concussion) doing x-rays and scans. I could have easily died and I am so grateful to be here today! I hope my story helped someone!

Okay so around 2013 I fell out of a moving car on the back of my head and while I was trying to grab onto the car I landed head first.... it is currently 2019 I never went to the hospital because I was too scared to, still til this day I have really bad head aches where my eyes are burning, I start to see spot randomly, and I lose my balance. Recently I have been getting really irritated easily and if you know me I’m always a happy go lucky person. And 2 weeks ago I felt my head where I hurt and there is a lot of loose skin there that was never there... and also towards the top of my head there is a little dent that has recently developed and is really hurting and I feel like my headaches have gotten so worse that even when I sleep a good rest I wake up and it’s still there hurting more than ever. Usually sleeping it off always works nowadays I still wake up with them there and pounding out my ears. My can’t even be in a ponytail for too long because of how much it hurts. Idk how much a mri is gonna cost and I also don’t know if a mri with even help because of how long it’s been now. What do you guys think I should do?!

Do you not have accident compensation? NZ accidents get free treatment including MRIs...sounds like you need to go

There are forms you can fill out at the hospital if you cannot afford your have this done. There should be some kind of fund to help pay for your treatment. Otherwise, go to your local human services office and apply for Title 19 or Medicaid. You really need to be seen and not being able to afford it shouldn’t stop you from going. Good luck!

Please seek medical advice as soon as you can! Dude!

The obvious answer would be to go see a doctor. Don't be scared to have yourself checked. It's more frightening to have unknown health issues that you think could be linked to a critical injury. It's very important to seek medical attention to clarify what's going on.

I’m 60 years old & I’ve experienced 3 blows to the head within the last few weeks. The first was falling down on a flight of stairs. The back of my head was pouring blood, went straight to Urgent Care to get checked out. No stitches were required but I still have lumps. 2nd incident was at work. A big knot on my forehead, icing reduced the swelling. 3rd incident was Sunday working in Fine Jewelry. I was showing a customer a piece of jewelry. When I reached in to get it, the heavy wooden door slipped & hit the top of my head. I’ve had a headache for 3 days. Nausea has eased off. I’ve been off work so that’s giving me time to rest. I guess my fear is experiencing so many brain accidents in a short amount of time.

You sound like me I've had many accidents today head and now I have hemeplegic migraines

In past couple of weeks my boot lid accidently came down on my head and i was knocked out couple minutes

Yesterday a large wooden trunk lid on someone's farm fell on my head
My friend drove me home but everything was delayed and confusion 111 decided to send me ambulance so I had ct no fractures or bleeds so its like bye bye go home..

I have a very tender top of head and am very dazed
My concentration goes and my memory
Long term it affects me too
Whiplash is one that needs addressing to but a wack on the heads is so dangerous really
Hope you stay well how long did work let you off is it their liability or accident

Two years ago I was hit in the side of my head by a Snapple drink bottle that hadn't been open yet, came from 150 ft in the air going 45 mph when the girl on the ride dropped it off her lap. Obviously it knocked me out and I woke up in the ER. The doctor said TBI, Severe concussion, brain bruised.
Now, two years later I have not been able to go back to work, closed my company down, my memory is almost non-existing, I get dizzy and fall out of no where so I use a cane now, not allowed to drive a vehicle because I have a 2 to 5 seizures every month, been diagnosed with having, severe memory loss, severe depression, severe anxiety, severe PTSD, developed a bad stutter, get angry out of no where and don't remember how ugly I was after I am told the next day...and etc...... anyway, I am posting on here to see if anyone reading this may have had some major issues for this long (two years) and if you recovered at all after 2 years.

I would really like to read that someone has had some positive changes with the issues developed because of your TBI or if so one has gotten any better it would be good to at least be realistic with myself and try to understand how I can't go back to MYSELF pre-Injury. Maybe some people do get better and some don't. Hell, I can't even remember what movie I watched last night....so there is some good chance I may get better...can't get too much worse.

I suffered a concussion caused by a top of head impact 7 months ago. At the time I felt dazed for 2 or 3 minutes. Since then I've had a continual headache which varies to a small extent in intensity. This began about 4 days after the incident and has continued ever since. I haven't had any other symptoms, other than loss of concentration caused by the relentless headache. It's a complete nightmare. My best wishes to everyone else afflicted by this.

I am a 15 year old girl and I was in a car accident 4 months ago and the doctor released me only two hours after crashing into the tree saying I was fine with some scratches on my eyes but never checked for a concussion. Well it is 4 months later school is starting soon and I am still having symptoms and I just want them to go away I keep forgetting things I get bad headaches I can’t sleep and I don’t know what to do can u guys please help

Did they do X-rays? I was blindside hit a rv at 40 mph , and my C-1/C-2 are herniated. I would get x-rays and a ct scan , and consult with a chiropractor. Mine here in Florida has been fantastic with helping me readjust my neck. I had the same headaches , and other issues . It will take time, I have ptsd when surrounded by heavy traffic, and short term memory is toast . every day is almost like a new day .

I've been trying to do research on my own after a work related accident. I've learned so much just by reading all of your comments. The comments have helped me more than my neurologist and articles online. I just want to thank all of you for sharing your experiences. Brain injury is a serious problem. The medical field seems to be very behind on this situation. Hopefully they will in the near future. I have owned and been working with and around horses for the past 15 yrs. I've had a few minor injuries and a lot of close calls. Almost 3 months ago, I went out to check on a horse at work. As I was walking away from the herd, one of the horses that was behind the other horse did a 360 and kicked me in the back of the head. My cowgirl hat took the blunt of the sharp hooves which would of sliced me open, but the kick was very forceful. I fell to my knees into the dirt. I was with a coworker. She told me to stay still and she was holding a shirt over the back of my head wesr I had some bleeding until the ambulance arrived. I just have to mention that I didn't know this horse very well that kicked me and I came to find out that he had a history of aggression. Most horses would never come after someone like that. After the kick all I could think about was staying awake and getting through it and being here for my oldest daughter who was getting induced with my first grandbaby that night. Well....I felt most of the underlying symptoms about one week into it. Like most of you, I get the sadness,moodiness, self loathing, headache in that spot. Very hard for me to conversate. It feels like it takes all of ly energy just to.get a sentence out which causes labored breathing. The Dr. Doesn't understand the breathing part when I talk to her. She says my lungs sound fine. It has nothing to do with the condition of my lungs which i keep telling everyone. They just don't get it. It's frustrating. I'm glad i read a few in here that are having the same issue. The other symptoms she can understand, but not the breathing. I see her this week and I am going to bring it up again and tell her about the articles. I'm very grateful because I know it could've been much worse. It's been rough though and I know eventually it'll get better. If it doesn't, I'll just have to learn to live life with the new me. Everyday is a blessing and I keep telling myself this and that I have to keep pushing forward. I'm impatient and want to feel better now. Well, that's not happening and God is the only one that's getting me through these lonely days. You do feel alone because people just don't understand unless they have or currently going through the same thing. Thanks again for all of your comments. God Bless and feel better!

I fell while at work, both my feet slipped out from under me at the same time and I fell butt first, but with my head banging the door I was trying to get through. I sat there nearly in tears holding both the front and the back of my head because even though I just hit the back, I knew my brain had also slammed into the front. It's been five days, and even though the ED doc did a CT scan of head and neck and nothing was broken or bleeding (thus only a mild concussion) I still have headaches and this annoying sound in my left ear of what I can only describe as a butterfly beating against my eardrum. I went back to the doctor who told me that he didn't think it was the head injury because if I had damaged my inner ear, then there would be worse wrong with me. It's so very frustrating. I have to wear my earplugs and play music or white noise to distract me from the fluttering. After reading about post-concussive syndrome, I hope this doesn't get worse. :(

I also have to listen to white noise. I have tinnitus a constant high pitch piercing sound going on 9 months now no relief.

It will get better as long as you get enough sleep and exercise your brain a bit ofcourse you shouldnt overdo it because you need allot of rest but it will speed up the process, its also a very good option to keep a healthy diet and do a little bit of exercise once its getting better. I have struggled with 3 mild concussion and its deffinitly possible to fully recover and even get a bit healthier in the process

A car rear-ended me & even though I had a seatbelt on, I had a whiplash effect then immediate grogginess was my initial symptom. Otherwise, I felt fine and figured the grogginess would go away in a few days or so. My car was totaled. I knew I had prescheduled a physical with my doctor so reported my grogginess and a headache to her. She felt - as did I - that my body was trying to heal and to give it time while checking in anytime I feel a change.

The symptoms started clarifying themselves as I saw a major setback in short term memory. My work required me to see value through complexity and conceive of creative, system-worthy solutions. Now, suddenly, if I had two thoughts, I would always forget the second if I did not write it down immediately. Still, my doctor advised we wait to see how it heals. Three months later I had a stroke and they kept me 3 days in the ER to do tests. I did some research and saw two concerning reports that "if you get a concussion above the age of 65, you have a tenfold chance of a stroke 3 months later". I saw another report that said, "If you have a concussion and are over 65, you have a very high risk of Atrial Fibrillation". The irony here is the only surgery I have ever had was an elective RF Ablation to prevent Atrial Flutter from becoming Atrial Fibrillation, per what I recalled my cardiologist saying. He later denied saying that and seemed uncomfortable when I asked him to help me understand why I did get A-Fib around seven months after he determined the surgery was a success, or even why I had the stroke.

Is there any research from a source doctors regard that better explains whether there is any possible connection between my concussion and its symptoms - memory loss, balance, cognitive, emotional anxiety. impatience, with the stroke that happened exactly 3 months later. My doctor dropped me suddenly without telling me when I simply asked her and the Cardiologist seemed to waive it off.

I am also concerned that there may be other implications ahead (pun unintended).

A appreciate any help or references I can look at to get a more objective assessment.

I had a blow to the side of my head 3 months ago after it happened i went very very tired and i was in extreme pain round my head ear and neck and shoulders also it went blue down the side of my face and neck i then lost interest in my well being i didn't want to do my hair i was so tired and then i started not being able to stand for long without thinking i was falling over then on my shoulder i started getting a lump im. On warfarin too and i started taking a extra tablet as it took the lump away and eased my shoulder pain slightly but now and the past few weeks it feels like my blood is having difficulty running down my arm tge side of the blow and also my other arm but not as bad, then the past few days ive been swelling up and getting really fat and i can't bend my wrist and my fingers have swollen im still so very tired and could easily sleep for a few days and not want to get out of bed my other wrist is normal but ive noticed there's similar pain down my other arm but not as much as the side where i had the blow to my head, also my fingers have swollen on both hands obe side much worse and more painful than the other. I got very bad chest pains the first 2 weeks after the blow too but they aren't as bad now but are still there now and again its ny arms 8 can't even lift them up i can't put clothes on tbe pain is unbearable and im so so tired but it wakes me up its worse when I'm laid down too. My tablets make the pain ease a little but im getting worried now because my wrist i can't bend and its so painful


Do NOT take extra blood-thinning tablets, even if they are prescribed, without physician approval. You don't want to trigger internal bleeding! In fact, people on blood thinners are specifically told to discuss the medication with their doctor in the event of head injury as it can mean more risk for a brain bleed. Blood thinners are in no way going to have any impact on your pain level and if you think that they are you are experiencing the placebo effect.

The brain controls all the nerve impulses along with the spine. If your brain and/or spine is injured you will have all kinds of odd symptoms, including weak limbs, numbness or burning sensations, clumsiness, a foggy or dopey feeling, migraines or even breathing problems. For those who are not recovering as expected after a concussion, after a car accident or fall (trauma), do yourself a HUGE favor and seek out the help of a neurologist (not a just primary care physician).

Two months ago on a Sunday night I was hit from behind at a stoplight, went to ER in neck collar. ER doc did ct of neck and touch your nose test, sent me on my way. By that Wednesday I had a pounding headache and confusion and did not feel well along with dizziness and fatigue. I saw my doctor a few days later who never addressed that I might have a concussion. It was my daughters boyfriends Mom who is a vet who suggested after hearing my symptoms that I might have a concussion. It took 2-3 visits to my doctor and me pleading to get to a neurologist 4 weeks later. My doctor was an internal medicine doctor, in my opinion he failed me. Reading the comments has made me feel better about where I am at in the healing process and how much time it takes especially if you are a woman and in the 40-60 age range. Post concussion headaches are no joke as I am still suffering from them and I wish the medical system was better at identifying concussions.

Allen, 30 years old. About 3 months ago, I was in a serious automobile accident. I was driving a flatbed truck, and a car crashed into my passenger side at 65 no breaks. My seatbelt became dislodged, and I flew across the cabin, smashing my head into the window. The truck then lost control and went airborne. Upon landing my head flew into the dash. I didnt lose conciousness. Though I did have a cut on top of my head. And a bump. The bump still remains varying in size day by day, and my symptoms are dizziness/vertigo, not feeling like myself, mild confusion (I have a hard time thinking of certain words. Or thinking of things to say in a conversation, and fatigue. I'm terrified that it'll never go away.

I havent been able to see a doctor more than once, my work took forever to file the workmans comp (still waiting) and I've done what I can to self treat. As a single doctor's visit Costs 100$.

To be honest I'm very afraid, and no one understands. They just keep telling me "it will get better" but I feel completely alone. As of a week ago i lost my vehicle, and I'm deeply in debt from recovery. I start my first job since the accident tomorrow, and I'm horrified. I dont even know if I can work, just that my life is going to hell and I'm losing everything.. so I have no choice but to try. I'm scared, and I feel so alone. And uncertain.. the one time I could afford to see the doctor they had absolutely no answers stating "it could take up to a year to get better" but I read these articles and I'm mortified.. some of you have had these issues for years after.. what if its perminate? Their has to be something I can do. Please I'm begging! If anyone knows anything that could help, or advice. Even just an encouraging, comforting word please reach out to me.

I dont know how much longer I can do this alone. I feel so inferior, so defeated.. and every time I close my eyes.. all I can see are those damned headlights barreling at me. God bless you all, and I'm so sorry your going though this. If your story is similar, If you feel alone, sad or hopeless.. contact me, we can keep each other strong. God bless you all, and I'm here for you.. all of you

You need to have an advocate. Please talk to trustworthy people you know who are mature and are experienced and successful in business and/or medicine. Ask them if they know any attorneys who they trust and if you can use their name -- and in particular -- if possible, an attorney who has a great deal of experience in personal injury cases. That attorney will also usually be experienced with Workers Compensation cases. You don't want an attorney who mainly handles domestic relations or criminal or bankruptcy or property closings, etc. Personal injury cases are serious and you want someone who specializes in this field. Please do not go by television commercials or social media comments. Just like with doctors and other medical professionals, and basically any type of service or product, ask people who are knowledgeable in a field and ask who they would want a family member to go to for help. Personal injury cases are usually on a contingent fee basis, which generally means that they work for a percentage of a dollar amount they succeed in helping you to get for your injuries and other damages, if they succeed on your behalf. They will help you and be an advocate for you, and help you with figuring out what you need to do to protect yourself. They often have either on staff or connections with or can suggest someone who you can help with figuring out the medical maze. Also, if you know of any nurses or anyone who has a friend or family member who is a nurse, they are often very valuable sources of information regarding doctors, medical facilities, etc. that they would want a family member to see. Ask their permission to use their name(s) and only repeat positive information that they give you. Good luck to you! One other thought -- do you have a 211 or type or similar information hotline in your state, county or community? You could also ask the reference librarian(s) at your local public library for help in finding resources, nonprofits, agencies, organizations that might help with your situation. In addition, check to see if you have a social services department or person in your town or city. They may be able to help you with information and sometimes services.
