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The importance of finding support from other families who have experienced disorders of consciousness
Agitation and Restlessness
Agitation and restlessness after severe brain injury
Pain experienced after severe brain injury
Spasticity in muscles after severe brain injury
Bladder and Bowel Problems
Bladder and bowel problems after severe brain injury
Vision and Hearing
Vision and hearing complications after severe brain injury
Sleep disturbances after severe brain injury
Heterotopic Ossification (HO)
Heterotopic Ossification (HO) after severe brain injury
Seizures after severe brain injury
Hydrocephalus is sometimes called “water on the brain.”
Swallowing complications after severe brain injury
Nutrition and Eating
Nutrition and eating for people in disorders of consciousness
Wounds or Pressure Injuries of the Skin
Information about wounds or pressure injuries of the skin after severe brain injury
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVTs)
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVTs) after severe brain injury
Storming or Neurostorming
Neurostorming or storming after severe brain injury
Vital Signs
Complications or changes in vital signs of people in disorders of consciousness
Oral Care
Oral care for after severe brain injury
Breathing Problems
Breathing problems for patients in disorders of consciousness
Books and Other Resources About Brain Injury
Learn more about disorders of consciousness with these resources and books selected by our experts.
How Will My Loved One’s Injury Impact Me and My Family?
Brain injury can impact your entire family including spouses, parents, children, aunts, and uncles.
Caregiver Websites
A list of organizations and websites for caregivers and others caring for loved ones with severe brain injury
Support Groups for Families of People in DoC
Are there support groups available that understand severe brain injury and disorders of consciousness?