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How to physically interact with loved ones in a coma, unresponsive wakefulness syndrome/vegetative state, or other disorder of consciousness.
Help with Finances After Severe Brain Injury
What do I need to know about getting help with our finances?
Advocacy and Abuse: Protecting Your Loved One in DoC
How to I advocate for my loved one? How do I recognize and report abuse of a person with a disorder of consciousness?
Legal Issues After DoC
What kinds of legal issues should I be aware of as a caregiver to someone in a disorder of consciousness?
Long-term Needs in DoC
How will we take care of our loved one in DoC long-term?
Discharge Planning and Tips
What do I need to know when doctors say my loved one needs to be discharged?
Decision Making for a Loved One with DoC
How does my family make medical, financial, and other important decisions for our loved one when they are in a disorder of consciousness?
How Do I Interact with My Loved One When They Have a DoC?
How to interact with loved ones in a coma, unresponsive wakefulness syndrome/vegetative state, or other disorder of consciousness.
What Assessment Tools Will Be Used to Determine My Loved One’s Level of Consciousness?
Assessment tools used to determine one’s level of consciousness after severe brain injury
What Part of the Brain Is Damaged in a Person with a Disorder of Consciousness?
Showing what part of the brain is damaged in a person with a disorder of consciousness
What Types of Treatments Can Facilitate Recovery in People with Disorders of Consciousness?
Treatments for disorders of consciousness like coma and unresponsive wakefulness syndrome/vegetative state
Will My Loved One Regain Consciousness and What Should I Expect for My Loved One’s Recovery?
Information about regaining consciousness after a DoC like coma or unresponsive wakefulness syndrome/vegetative state
What Is Caregiver Fatigue and Burnout?
Burnout, fatigue, and exhaustion experienced while caregiving for a loved one with a severe brain injury
What Are Disorders of Consciousness?
The term “disorder of consciousness” (DoC) describes a group of conditions that involve difficulty with awareness that includes coma, unresponsive wakefulness syndrome/vegetative state, and minimal conscious state.