A brief summary of current research.
Cifu, DX, Hart, BB, West, SL, Walker, W, & Carne, W (2014). Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 29 (1), pp 11-20.
The second phase of this collaborative study between the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs looked at the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) on 60 military service members and its effect on persistent post-concussion symptoms. Researchers concluded that there were no significant effects from using HBO2 to manage symptoms.
Comments (3)
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Dan replied on Permalink
Testing at 2 ATA pressure and 75% oxygen is not the same as 1.5 ATA and 100% oxygen.
Dr. Hatch published a study in 2017 (after this) that showed positive results at 100% oxygen and 1.5 ATA. Here's the study:
I'm no scientist, but the results and design of Harch's study seem much stronger...
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Your summary states that researchers concluded that there were no significant effects from using HBO2 to manage symptoms. If you re-read the abstract of the research you will see that there were in fact, significant changes within the groups. The research states that there were not significant changes BETWEEN the groups. This is a very important distinction.
Many professionals believe that the reason for this is that a true sham cannot be conducted with hyperbaric oxygen therapy because even breathing "room air" under pressure has medicinal value.
While it is true that more research is needed regarding TB/ PPCS and HBO2, your summary is giving our warriors a false belief that research shows that HBO2 does not have any positive effects when treating TBI/ PPCS; when in fact, it does.
CM Melton