Anosmia or Loss of Smell from Brain Injury

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2.5 years after suffering a TBI from a no-helmet motorcycle wreck, I'm starting to get my sense of smell back!! Don't give up hope. I can smell very strong unique scents like coffee and garlic and onions sauteeing. I do use waaay more hot sauce on my food since the wreck tho, Sriracha on everything. I still can't smell stinky smells yet, so I guess I'm lucky.
I had a concussion 4 months ago. At 2 weeks I realized my sense of smell was greatly diminished. Three weeks after that I started to get the "bad smell." That's what I call the burnt or somewhat chemical smell that I have all the time. It is worsened by many normally pleasant odors.I can still smell vinegar and an alcohol swab, but that's about it. MRI and CT both normal. I had 8 acupunture treatments without any change. Many formerly pleasant foods are now intolerable--chocolate, coffee, peanut butter, mayonaise, ketchup and many more. I am still adjusting, eating bland foods--tortillas, turkey, provolone. Tomatoes and many fruits are good. The fall (hitting the back of my head) was truly life-changing. I haven't completely given up hope that I will recover, but there has been no change for 2 months. It sounds like I shouldn't waste any more time or money seeing more docs.
Hello fellow brain damaged I fell from a 4 story window and am back to normal besides the psysical part . I have some \"plasebo\" blinks of smell in some situations and is enjoying life to the fullest including eating and drinking things. I can taste the basics such as salt,sweet,sour aso. Therefore there is no problem because there are such much food within those parameters incl. texture, fill. You just have to try everything. My favorites are mexican food, liqerise, high presentage beer, gingerbeer soda, icecream, sweet wine and halapeno peppers.
I had a fall 9 weeks ago and first hit my head forward and then went backwards and hit on a concrete floor. I have no recollection of any of the accident. I was in ICU for 5 days, and although I am getting along a lot better, I still have no taste or sense of smell. I have no appetite and just eat to keep up my strength. I had all the tests, CT, MRI, EEG. My EEG came back as a small abnormality and the Dr. will give me the details when I go back to him next month. I have balance issues and headaches. I am getting along a lot better, but just wish I could enjoy food again.
Had an motorcycle accident on 12 March had no CT scan on the day have no taste or sense of smell ,really scared, not to be able to taste food or smell the perfume of a women scares me, Life is very dull. I feel trapped in a bubble along with others injuries broken bones etc. But as my doctor said still alive, but without my smell and taste i may as well be dead....
My main issue 4 years later is the zero function in my smell and my taste is awkward at best. Basically my taste buds are effective but nothing else concerned with smell so too many flavours in one pallete cause me to to taste nothing, so with spicy foods all i get is "Hot" unless it is mild. Main issue though is my complete loss of people skills. I used to be a people person who could naturally chat to anyone anywhere anytime but now i get all nervous when i'm chatting to people i don't know or havent seen in ages or am talking to for purposes etc. It really is an understated condition that hospitals/doctors should prioritise better.
thanks for your information, I am from Halabja-Iraq, and my small brother suffered from head injury because of motor accident about 4 months ago,and he have not smell sense now,I wish and I ask God to regive him the grace of smell, Thanks
Having Anosmia seems to be related to sense of taste also. I am 14 years post injury and my sense of smell is not totally gone, but it is picky. For example, I can smell vanilla, and most other smells, but they have to be very strong. My sense of taste is also dulled.
