Positive Effects on Mood After Exercise

Research Update: Positive Effects on Mood After Exercise

A brief summary of current research.

Impact of physical activity on mood after TBI

Driver, S & Ede, A Brain Injury, Volume 23, Issue 3 March 2009, pages 203–212.

This study found that routine physical activity (in this case, swimming) had positive effects on mood for persons with brain injury. This is important because of the known higher rates of psychosocial issues such as depression and tension in persons with brain injury.

Find out more.

Posted on BrainLine April 16, 2009.

Comments (2)

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I go to gym 3x per week for going on 4 years now. I have a mental health case manager and she suggested that we should do this, it has given my life purpose and something to look forward to. One of the best decisions I have ever made. I had gained some weight and was up for working on Getting that situation in check. It works perfect for us. I am usually her motivation for going. I'm extremely blessed!

I started doing yoga with my wife w a dvd at night. Ive noticed that I sleep better and a drop in anxiety and depression. Plus im in alot better shape as is my wife. It gives us something we can look forward too that we do together.