Brain Trauma, Concussion, and Coma

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I had a concussion to the back of my head when I fell on the bedroom wood floor at 4am on 5/28/16. When I fell, I passed out and it woke up my husband. Thank goodness that my husband called 911 and didn't just put be back in bed! I spent the next 12 days in the hospital and I can only remember about 10 minutes of it. Come to find out that my brain had bounced to the front of my head and that caused bruising and bleeding inside my brain. (Even now I can't remember the wording for the kind of hemorrhage that I had) Could barely walk without help when I got home. In August 2016 (2 mo later) I started to have really bad headaches 24 hrs a day. Previous to this I was prone to migraines and had the Meds that worked, but not for the headaches I was having. Tylenol didn't faze it either. Had a Dr. visit with a neurologist and he Rx Topamax. There was about a two week graduated increase in the pills and I finally didn't have any headaches. My brain was scrambled... I couldn't even remember plain words like fork or coat, etc. Even now I have a hard time remembering, but if I can't, my husband will give me clues on the words I can't find and then all of a sudden I remember. But by the next day, I have forgotten it again! Found out from another Dr that Topamax doesn't help with gaining your memory back after the concussion...😟 Not a happy camper now. I liked not having a headache/migraine all the time. By the middle of December 2016 I weaned myself off of the Topamax. Yeah, no more headaches! Ok, now it is almost the end of January 2017 and my brain is still on partial empty. Neurologist told me in 8/16 it could take 6 months for my brain to be normal. (I haven't gone back to see him, he was worthless.) Then I heard from another Dr that it could be about a year to recover. Then I read an article on the internet that it could be a year plus before my brain works again correctly. This upsets me, because I used to have a great brain memory. Now I'm looking into healthy vitamins etc for some help. I wish everybody and their families the best with their recovery!

My mother was in a very bad car accident the doctor diagnosed her with Diffuse Axonal Injury. They told us she will never wake up. She is on the trech to help her breath with the shunt and feeding tube. Any suggestions on what I can do to help my mother? I know God is going to wake her up. I have hope but the ICU wants us to take her to nursing home and that's one place I don't want my mom to be in. Any suggestions? Please. God bless you all.

Fish oils...Omega 3's does help lower inflammation in the brain. Also play brain wave music to comatose patients with a pair of lightweight headphones if the hospital will allow. Plenty of free music on the Internet. Essential oils also helps, Frankincense is good. Where it on your clothes whenever you're with the patient, or rub on big toe of each foot.

Fish oil is meaningless, but I know you mean no harm by your comments

I would suggest looking into nutrition for brain, fish oil, phos choline and seine, coconut oil , b vits and also vielight neuro unit. I had a concussion and did all these things, chiropractic. Fish oil reduces brain swelling, helps heal your brain. Has been 7 months for me and am back to normal. I had light and sound sensitivity,headaches, anxiety,poor memory function, all gone now.

I wish you all well.


My Friend's younger sister had a accident and she suffered head injury after which she has severe edema (Swelling in brain) because of which they had to cut bone from both sides of the brain. she is unconscious for the last one week and her GCS level is 5 and not increasing they have removed her from the Ventilator but they have placed a tracheotomy tube through which they say that she will be able to breath .. she is not responding to anything and her body is stiff no movement what so ever and she has multiple fractures in the body.. I wanna know is there anyone who can help me she is 23 and we wanna know if anyone can help and also tell me when she will be able to wake up and will she be normal like before 

Did your friend sister make it??

Did your friend's sister woke up?

Sorry to hear you're still being affected from your concussion. Chiropractic really helped me.

You could have post concussive syndrome

I got a concussion a year ago sept 30th. I'm still having trouble with brightness. I wear sunglasses in stores, on cloudy days,etc. I can't see at night. I lose words and slur when tired or stressed. If someone interrupts me or changes my plans I lose my thoughts. I still walk crooked and slow. I have ringing in my ears, headaches, migraines, a lot of pressure in my head and trouble sleeping. My vision is messed up. I can't remember stuff. However, I can drive short distances now, as long as nothing unexpected happens to throw me off. I can read, watch some tv and do a little computer work. I'm so much better than I was. Doctor told me to sit in my chair for 10 months with no reading, tv, computer, noise, bright lights, writing. It was lonely. I'm able to cook some now if I remember I'm cooking. I still burn things because I forget. My head has a ton of pressure and a very painful spot where I got hit. I wish they'd done a scan on me or addressed the liquid coming out of my ears.

Excellent article. I've had a concussion comma for 2 weeks, that I almost fully recovered from in a year. And then one year and a half later, I had TBI that keeps getting worse and worse is from (Army) repetitive ammunition blast shock injury that destroys the nerves through ultrasonic and supersonic or subsonic energies. This form most closely matches up to your Diffuse Axonal Injuries. It only took 3 days without earplugs (by Order) on the firing range to have ALL TBI symptoms immediately.

I later find out heavy plastic ear muffs are better for supersonic blasts and foam ear plugs are better for infrasonic (or subsonic) blasts: of which I could have neither. It's a shame all US Army and Marine vets get their brains scrambled for a lifetime of misery. I've had 90 dB tinnitus and no sleep for over 34 years, and it took me 30 years to get 10% tinnitus disability rating ($130/mo - whoopee!): with the VA and (Army and Marines) Services well knowing supply clerks who drive on the firing ranges without earplugs with rifle and mortar explosions have their brains scrambled for life. I now have difficulty remembering why I am walking in rooms (after over 34 years of breathing problems from DAI of brain stem (just got a bi-pap machine last month), anxiety, depression, Maniere's Disorder/vertigo, and all the rest of tbi symptoms. )

Veterans need your brilliance on a shell shock phenomena that has been well known since gun powder wars were invented. I've had both, and appropriately disclosed, concussions will heal for the most part in about a year (with hard work and being young.) Now if you could focus in on the number one reason for suicides in the nation (Army and Marine disabled Vets), it would be blessing for all Army and Marine disabled vets and their families they support.


My comment regards the concussion I suffered in 1980  when I was 24; inclusive was my 5 days in a coma. All items considered, I can proclaim that I am a very fortunate man to have lived the accomplished & fulfilling life dealt to me since then. What brings me here is to be educated on long term effects of a concussion. Fortunately, the only nagging, recurring, negative effect so far has been the daily headaches since 1989 or 1990. Recently however, I'm experiencing some lightheadedness. I found that a amino acid duplex that increases nitrogen monoxide in my blood helps me neurologically.

My boyfriend just fractured his skull it was a depressed fracture. the hospital have now said there may be traces of his skull near and inside his brain and there are possibilities of blood clotting and has to have further sugary. Can anyone help me expect what the surgery involves as i know nothing and am panicking. 

My grandpa slipped and fell backwards on concrete, hitting the back of his head causing his brain to hit the front, resulting in a brain bleed. He was in a coma for 3 months. The Dr.'s wanted to pull his life support, but his family said no. When he came out of the coma, he could remember things from when he was a child, but not who his wife of 50 years was, or any of his family born within that time. The doctors said he'd be a vegetable for the rest of his life. Well, 4 years after, he is about 75% better! He still mixes up words occasionally, but he can  now remember his family and his grandkids names. He can walk short distances, and he's got a good sense of humor! Dr.'s said he would have no quality of life. Well, he proved them wrong!

Very glad to hear this, a young 17 year old Austin was in a head on car crash minutes from his house they said they should make arrangements he had swelling on his brain and bleeding on brain too that was on the 26 the of may today is the 28th of may he breathed and his eye twitched please pray it is my Megan's boy friend lovely young man.

I fell down or up the stairs at home 5/31. Knocked myself unconscious and a family member found me. I came to and was put in the bed. Woke up that same morning and felt funny and still went to work. Came home that night and laid on the couch and could barely move or talk with a massive headache for 2 days. Throwing up water because I couldn't eat. Finally went to the ER 6/2. They did a CT scan of head and neck. Sent me home with pain meds and said follow up with your doctor. 6/7 saw my doctor and was admitted to the hospital. They ran multiple test. I have a fractured skull, hemmoraging in the brain with bruising swelling and contusions. I was released 6/13 evening. Cannot drive. Cannot work. Follow up with neurologist and primary care physician Monday 6/20.

It has been 9 months a since my head injury and I am still having headaches dizziness and neurological symptoms. I am having aching and burning sensations in head Ear and face .I pray each day that God will help me cope and I pray for all of you out there that is going thru the same thing. God bless.

All, there is hope.  My son was injured in very bad car accident about a year ago.  He suffered a TBI with diffuse axonal injuries.  He was in a coma...the whole nine yards.  Doctors were not optimistic.  I prayed to God and asked him to restore my son.  HE DID IT! As I write this, it is 13 months since the accident and my son is here with me.  He is his "pre-injury" self.  God is good and he is REAL.  Pray!

Thank you so much for your comment

I was in a car accident passenger side I hit my head with the dash board dint think it was a big deal till three months later I got neck pain a headache on top of my head panic attacks. I got an MRI done they said I had nothing. my neck nothing that it was muscle spasms I was like this more months I hated medication I used a lot of ice and cold patches and teas. eventually all if it went away this was 3 years ago .

I suffered a concussion. I had a biking accident. I fell of my mountain bike I hit the ground head first. I regret my injury, i know everything happens for a reason. It has been 3 weeks, I don't feel like myself anymore. I'm living in fear because my body doesn't feel the same. I'm crying but I thank you all for your post. I love y'all and I hope the best for whoever is reading this blog. I know our pain.

My bf has been in a coma for 3 weeks and 2 days now and they say he has ~~Subarachnoid hemorrhage and diffuse axonal injury... i dont know what to do or who knows much about this but the doctors seem to have little hope.

When traveling by himself, my brother-in-law fell and hit his head on pavement, knocking himself unconscious. He seemed fine initially, but passed away two days later from "a simple slip and fall." He was 47 years old. If you or your loved one has any form of head injury, please go to an emergency room as soon as possible.

I had an accident 8 years ago. I'm 24 years old now. Some of the area near the eye and nose have been broken and removed. I feel now my head is not stable and pain. What can i do ??

Very informative & straight forward. Your article reminded me, circumstances could be much worse. I have an unhealed concussion, 3 months after being hit from behind, by another car going too fast on the highway! I worry it is taking an awful long time to heal.....but eventually it should.

My partner was in a coma for 2&1/2 weeks last year and has severe nerve damage causing loss of use of his lower left leg, we are struggling to understand how/ why this happened. The coma was a result of a huge overdose during a psychotic episode. Any advice would be gratefully received 

Has there ever been any studies with the brain after extended amounts of Anesthesia?  At 9 yrs old (in 1980) I had 15 surgeries but one in particular was over 15 hours long.  The doctors warned my parents I may have brain damage.  When I awoke after 2 weeks in a coma I was communicating with the deaf alphabet.  But, how can I possibly have brain damage and then nothing?  I feel like there would be a grey area in  between.

 I have always said my memory is bad and that I have a difficult time learning new things.  I am often told how to do something a few different times before I catch on.  I also feel fine and then Bam!  I hit a wall and need to sleep or at least get rest for awhile.  I feel like there should be more research on extreme amounts of anesthesia.  Any resources would REALLY help!

Would you suggest some productive ways to improve/regain cognitive function post-concussion?

Is decorticate posturing common with severe brain injury during the early weeks? If a patient begins to bend his/her legs and move them a lot, and lift the arms up and down (sometimes in response to instruction), but the hands remain sort of curled (however not glued to the chest), is this progress?

Thanks for the great info.

I've suffered two, that is two traumatic brain injuries putting me in a coma both times.  My first traumatic brain injury put into a coma for 4 days.  The second traumatic brain injury I suffered put me into a coma for 3 days.  Repercussions from my first traumatic brain injury include a severe short term memory impairment alongside enforced petit-mal epilepsy forcing me suffer at absolute least one petit-mal seizure every single day. My second brain injury enforced me suffering at least one petit-mal seizure everyday.  Oftentimes, I'd suffer more than one seizure everyday.  Thereafter, a neurologist named me an "epileptic," and prescribed me aplenty medication to ingest everyday named Kepra beside Lamictal.  Unfortunately, aplenty medication was not ending my seizure disorder.  That is why 11-years after my first brain injury doctors implanted a vagus nerve stimulator into my chest.  Unfortunately, my VNS does not stop my seizures being reason I awaited a total of over 14-years before I finally had brain surgery; and a brain surgeon is able to remove the brain bruise I suffered after my first traumatic brain injury. Brain surgery being successful does end my seizure disorder until I suffered another traumatic brain injury that restarted my epileptic seizure disorder existing. "Could be worse," is a sentence I say out loud, and internally, so I'm able to take a step back, and enter "perspective" mind power calming my pessimistic mindset.  

Great article

your article helped me greatly, many questions were answered , thank you .

I had glasgow scale 7 and i was in coma for 17days, i feel stress and pressure very easly i just happy to b alive .

The info in this article is just what I needed.  Thank you!

I suffered a concussion and subarachnoid hemorrhage in Dec. 2014.  I found this article to be comforting as I had read many articles giving me the impression I needed to get my affairs in order!  Thanks

Tell me more about your condition and recovery please.
