Tau protein shows up in the brain in other neurodegenerative diseases, but only in this unique, tangled pattern in CTE.
See all videos interviews with Dr. Ann McKee.
Produced by Noel Gunther and Brian King, BrainLine.
About the author: Ann McKee, MD
Ann McKee, MD is the chief neuropathologist for the Framingham Heart Study and the Boston University-based Centenarian Study. She is also the chief neuropathologist for the Boston-based Veterans Administration Medical Centers and for the Sports Legacy Institute.

Comments (5)
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Jackie replied on Permalink
Are there any tests or labs that can show Tau in the living? I was in a car accident 14 years ago, and was in an abusive relationship. The accident. I was crushed under a building, my skull crushed, in a coma for 7 days. 5 years ago I started feeling my brain was cloudy. It has only progressed. I’m now at the point where I can’t function. My moods, no balance, can’t concentrate or focus or remember. I’m pretty sure this is the start of CTE, from the TBI. Just looking for help. I’d like to be myself again.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
CTE can only be diagnosed after death: https://www.brainline.org/article/6-things-you-need-know-about-cte
meclogston@veri... replied on Permalink
I have written before and I have a big dilemma. My 59-year-old son has been disabled for about thirty years. His father passed away from Chromosome 17 Disinhibition, Dementia, Parkinsonian, Amyotrophy Complex (17-DDPAC) at age 45 after many years of progressing disability. The inheritance has proven to be 50% and involves tau tangles and progranulin.
However about ten years ago my son, John, was told by a prominent research doctor that he didn't have a tau or progranulin disorder and was fine. Of course, that is not the case. John played high school football and took some terrible hits. In one case he was knocked out for five minutes and I, not being at the game, was never told. Is there a way to tell if a person does truly have 17 DDPAC or the effects of concussions?
Congratulations on your great work.
Janice VanWyke replied on Permalink
U r right that there r no studies involving women. I also want to donate my brain. I will wait with u for the answer.
Jeanne Servo replied on Permalink
I am a 62 yr old female! I have had more than 10 but less than 20 concussions in my life so far - it makes me wonder why only male NFL Players are being studied!
I would like to donate my Brain (only) to be studied I die! I have daily migraines, insomnia, and some anger mngmnt issues!