Age and Gender Play Role in Recovery Outcomes Post-TBI

Research Update: Age and Gender Play Role in Recovery Outcomes Post-TBI

A brief summary of current research.

Influence of Sex and Age on Inpatient Rehabilitation Outcomes Among Older Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury

Graham, JE, Radice-Neumann, DM, Hammond, FM, Dijkers, M, & Granger, CV (2010). Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Vol. 91 (1), pp 43-50.

In a study that looked at people with TBI older than 65, researchers found that the oldest people with TBI had the shortest stays in the inpatient rehabilitation hospital. They also found that the oldest people had poorer physical and cognitive ratings and were more likely to be referred for home health services when discharged. Compared to men, women had shorter lengths of stay and greater odds of being scheduled for home health services at discharge.

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Posted on BrainLine February 26, 2010.