Emotional Problems After Traumatic Brain Injury

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My 8 yr old son fell backwards and hit his head on the ice playing hockey and he felt nauseous and dizzy for a few days after. He was also waking up numerous times in the the night for many nights freaking out, feeling extreme anger and agitation but not understanding why. I appreciate reading people's stories here and can see that this is part of the concussion issue. It is sad how so many of you are suffering. :( I pray for healing for all of you!!...

My son (age 9) just had shunt put in for nph and its his 4th brain surgery. He has a rare brain cyst, cluster headaches and now hydrocephalus. His second he suffered a stroke that affected the emotion area of his brain. He cries, can't control anger, and can not deal with not controlling situations. I don't know what to do. We have four kids and it's hard. We try to be there, love him through it, and pray God gives him peace with it. I'm sorry you suffer so much and we will pray for you!

I recently had a large menangioma removed from my frontal lobe. Literally, 3 weeks ago. I'm still in the healing phase with the scabbing and glue from the incision. Within the last week, I feel like an emotional train wreck. Ups and downs. Anger. Crying. It's like it's never-ending. I feel like I'm losing my mind and it scares the crap out of me even more. Please tell me that there is some sunshine at the end of my storm. 😢

Everything you are feeling is 100% normal for what you have been through!!! My son in law had a grade 5 brain aneurysm with 0 chance of surviving Without all the gruesome terrifying months of progress and setbacks he has recovered.

It took 6 weeks in a coma, many setbacks, 3 hospitals and an enormous amount of fear versus hope, inner strength and the knowledge that somehow he would be s functional human being again!

He is home he is walking he is speaking his eyes were an enormous issue with dizziness and double vision His passion is baseball and even though he cannot YET get in a car and drive and is somewhat dependent at time he wakes up everyday and workouts rides his stationary bike , walks on treadmill and goes to as many games his sons play There is so much more he can walk with a cane was wheelchair bound ... You can do this you can and will get stronger and beat the odds You are entitled to your moments but try and get pass them Push yourself when you can and get plenty of rest!!!! Do not give up!!! You are still in the early stages and are probably still in shock and depression Be kind to yourself take your time be brave You can and will heal!!!!!! Good luck to you!!!!! Don’t give up!!!!!!

I suffered from an A.B.I. at the age of 19. The major issues that I suffered seem to have subsided but many of the deeper and invisible issues have remained. For instance tension in head and jaw, losing my temper, controlling my emotions and a feeling of inadequacy. I have carried on to have a good life. I have two beautiful boys and a partner who puts up with all my quirks. But I can't get over feeling like a failure. I have no idea what can help in the future, and maybe nothing will. I just hope that I can learn to relax and not get so upset or cry at the drop of a hat.

My Common Law BF had a TBI at the age of 15, he was in a head-on collision when he suffered his TBI, he was in a coma for about a week and almost died from severe brain swelling, his now 46 and He reacts severely to small changes, he rarely shows empathy and goes into rages regularly, he says he cant control himself, he recovers from a rage within 5 minutes sometimes, other times it can last up to 3 days, his has excessive moodiness and goes into an immidiate rage right out of a midday nap or after sleep, its weird we've been together 7 years and never seen him act normally after waking up from a midday nap he goes right into war mode, there were times his opened his eyes at 3am and threw me on the floor and told me to get the f out of his house, called me a million names, rolled over and went back to sleep. Ive since learned not to be home when his napping, there are other issues too, like when he wants something he has to have it that same minute, much like a child his needs must be met immidiately, he has zero patience for anything, after living with him a while I notice how abnormally he acts to everyday little mishabs of lifes curve balls, in his mind things have to go exactly the way he thinks they should go, because he has terrible issues with having to solve his own problems without getting angry about the smallest annoying things.....honestly the stuff he complains about is not a big deal , to him its a major issue that has to be fixed immediately, and not fixed by him but by someone else which is usually me, he has connection issues, intimacy issues, and acts very much like a personality disordered Narcissist, and after his accident he started drinking and remained an alcoholic until the age of 42, i think drugs and alcohol slowed is brains ability to heal properly, he also says he had to relearn how to talk and do many other things on his own after his accident, and theres a large portion of his life that has been erased during that time in his life, I really think 31 years later his personal life was severly impacted because his unstable emotional state, he has been in about 15 relationships and has had children with other women, nobody could seem to put up with his shit, I've had him arrested several times, had him forced into all sorts of programming and rehab, his life suffers because of the impact of his TBI, our relationship has suffered, but thats the only way I could help him by pointing out all his problems and forcing him to take accoubtibility and teach him to take responsibility for the way he is, we have many ups and downs and Ive given him 2 sons, and they are teaching him new ways of dealing with life, teaching him patience and love, he didnt get the opportunity to raise his older children and Ive givin him another chance, since then he has a better handle on himself since quitting alcohol almost 4 years ago, and him going to rehab and we've seen some improvement with him, his done programming to help teach him how to react differently, but I think he needs to get a follow up on his brain injury, since the technology from 30 years ago has come a long way......he does much better now that his focusing on work , but even his job suffers if he has a rage fit, he wont go to work or call his boss, I only see him as a mentally Emotionally Disabled person who needs his family, because his a complete mess when were hone and his left alone .... I only can encourage him to get testing done on his brain, and see where he is 31 years later, with memory, emotional and physical aspects of his brain, Im really interested, I just hope he agrees to see a doctor for his brain soon, Good luck to you and your familys dealing with TBI, wish nothing but the best for all you sufferers 😊

We were told the same thing about back to work in 6 weeks but my husband had double vision following surgery and now all of the above. He went back to work too soon and is now out of work again. Ugh.

I am a brain tumor survivor, now disabled. Seek neuropsychological testing. You may have to go on disability.

Nice to find an explanation to my mood changes. Had a cavernous hemangioma removed (right frontal lobe). 3 weeks later infection in the head "bone flap removal" 7 months later cranial plate installed. All this to stop grand mal seizures, they came back. Have not done well since. Problem keeping a job, impulsive behavior, depression. Doctor said no problem quick surgery, back to work 6 weeks.

Oh man, where do I start, my brain injuries are many, a series of sports related concussions over many years, a few black out falls. And then the discovery of a brain tumor, non cancerous, yet in a very critical area of the brain. Surgery followed and a week after I suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage, leading to a week of comatose.

I would spend the next 6-8 weeks getting inpatient treatment and a lot of out patient treatment would follow. While all this sounds scary, and it was, I was in no way prepared for life following these events, after taking a fall at home (black out), i had hit my head on a cast iron bathtub, this was only 3-4 months after all the surgery stuff. It's like every possible symptom of PTSD and PCS were taking over my life, and I was not aware of what any of those things were until seeing a series of specialists.

It took a few years until I could comfortably function at work( I am a municiple arborist.) Yet even after all of these years since, I seem to be stuck with many behavioural challenges, some of which have caused problems with my supervisors and co-workers. I so wish not to be this difficult, as I was never that person before. So I am in ongoing therapy, with both medicine and a psychiatrist. 

While I love quiet time, with the dogs and my wife, the challenges of work are at times quite overwhelming.

I have a daughter that had a brain injury due to being in a abusive relationship she's now in a rehabilitation center and wants to come home but can't because she not doing the therapy and is refusing to and throwing tantrums what do I do?

Got a TBI from a car accident in Sept 97. The accident was caused by a female passenger who pulled the steering wheel b/c we were having a fight. Spent 5 weeks in the hospital and months in outpatient care. Went back to work after 6 months and things appeared to be getting better. That was short lived and my mental problems returned with a vengeance.

I feel I am starting to improve I'm sitting up more and longer there was a time I couldn't do that!

I am 41 yrs old & 8 years post severe TBI and I cannot control my anger or sadness, I'm all over the place! Up and down, up and down.....I feel like but a shell of my former self. Mood stabilizers do not help when you have a lot of damage and millions of brain cells killed off. I'm just supposed to sit here until I rot I suppose. Too chicken s$&t to off myself.....

Do most tbi patients lose their temper with the spouse more than anyone else? Most people don't see the bad side of this person?

I know with my ex gf they did she would act like the sweetest nicest person in the world around strangers but with me, she was very abusive verbally and constantly provoke me till I would start swearing back at her. She would also constantly move out then move back in. She would also play the victim and tell ppl she was being abused when it was her who was the abuser. I truly was so in love with her. No matter what I did to help her she portrayed me as the bad person.

Not just wives. It it seems that they take most of their frustrations out on those closest to them. I am a mother who's son has TBI and he is so mean to me.

My 25 yr. old son suffered a Severe TBI nearly 9 months ago and it has been nothing short of pure HELL!!! Not a day goes by that I feel at peace. I know he must feel this way also. I never know what may "set him off" or cause him to say horrible things to me. I can only temporarily walk away. He now has no friends left, close siblings or co-workers as he once did. He attempted to work, but was overwhelmed by decision making. He will probably have to spend the rest of my life and most of his with me as I am his caregiver. My mother helps, but is at her wits end. I mourn the loss of my old son, and dislike the new son I've been left to manage. I feel like a victim of abuse most days and feel as though I'm stuck in Groundhog Day. I love my son, but hate what this injury has done to him and our lives. I continue to try and keep the peace. I do my best to help him but most days feel like a failure. I feel my own emotional & physical health slipping. I hope he can eventually regain some type of life again. I'm at a loss now as he is " non- compliant" at every turn, yet demands me to comply to his needs at a moments notice.
Give me hope, give me strength to move on.

I'm a 10yr tbi survivor. i also have had those effects, mostly what made me act that way was the meds they put me on!!! I'm not trying to be an idiot here ,please don't take it that way but i tried cannabis and my angry self just went away. i still have days that I'm angry but NO name calling, kicking walls, punching doors and wall or any violence and very few migraines. it has seriously changed my life. good luck.

My brother has a narcsstic personality before the TBI and now a drinking problem. I have prayed for the decoder ring that will help me try and help him. He also suffers from being paranoid again before the TBI. He thinks he is the earth and as his sister I am the sun. Every time I have to deal with him I pray. I try all the expertise I have heard and read but each time I throw myself on a land mine. We talk at each other because he never is wrong. He lost his long term care benefits because he would not listen to the case manger. He is an emotional vampire when he walks into a space it is like the air is sucked out of the room. He is at first very charming but then when he has sucked people dry that dump him and disappear. My mom babied him his whole life and now he is a 54 year old man baby. Sometimes I am afraid of him. Mom was OD at the hospital and died. sorry I don't know why I am writing all this. Today I realize it is ground hogs day Same day over and over. He could careless about me or helping him. He says thank you and all the right things but his words are hollow without any emotion. Wow, I hold a lot inside. I guess today I found this site and I felt your simple word, mean. But behind it I get it. God Bless and tomorrow maybe I will get that decorder ring.

Thank you, I was at my wits end today. It is good to know I am not alone! I just asked God today to help me understand my grandson. TBI from car accident, 7 years ago.

My dear friend had a brain bleed, I feel like I have lost a friend, we can no longer discuss anything, he simply give me short replies mostly, things like; its ok, very interesting, or no answer at all.  He does not answer mail, or calls without causing me to feel like he is not really there and seems to be not listening to anything I say.  It is going on 10 months since his brain surgery, I am concerned if he will stay this way.  Lost a dear friend and just cannot deal with the changes in his personality and behavior.  Sad in LA

I suffered a TBI back on the 10/6/2011 so just over 4yrs ago I was in a near fatal single vehicle car accident. I still suffer problems with my eyes the later it becomes in the night (blurry vision) I need to close 1 eye so I can see straight, I also have major mood swings happy 1minute then cranky the next.. I don't know what I should do, will this correct itself or do I need to take meds to help calm myself?? Please help it's killing..

In 2009 I was in 3 separate car accidents, all resulting in my head spidering the windshields. The last one was by far the worst. I do not remember what caused me to black out but all I remember was having no sight and feeling as if I was on a bucking bull as I crashed off of a bridge. No one was on the road and I'm not sure how long I was unconscious before I climbed out the window into the shallow part of the river. I felt like a zombie walking down the road. Officers finally showed up, no one would stop for me but at least they called the cops to help. I THOUGHT I had come out of it with only a fractured wrist and being the hard *ss "shake it off" type, I did not go to the hospital. EVERYTHING CHANGED AFTER THAT POINT. Before I was CONFIDENT, CARE FREE, ON TOP OF THE WORLD HAPPY. THINGS CAME SO EASILY, I was quick witted and never ran out of things to say. After the wreck, I became someone I don't recognize.. shy, nervous, avoidant, overly self conscious, awkward, sexually avoidant, tongue tied. I had to try too hard to be" myself" which does not work. I became depressed and anxious and MISERABLE. It's been right at 6 years since it happened and not much has changed. I've learned to "play my role", I guess you could say because I don't know wth else to call feeling as if I've been dehumanized, a little better but, especially around family who remembered the old me, it feels like part of me is brain dead and they don't understand why. My memory is shot. My long term memory is terrible. My childhood/teenage memories are few and far in between.. I remember people and places for the most part but I don't actually have many MEMORIES at all.. its all a blur. I am a rollercoaster of emotions all the time. I feel like it's mainly frustration.. maybe having both depression and anxiety, maybe not yet being able to accept the loss of myself, maybe it's from the damage to my brain, I don't know. All I know is I snap too easily, I cry too much, and my whole perspective is wrecked by it all. Not only have I dealt with what I feel like is the loss of myself, but I also have temporal lobe epilepsy like episodes. They come on as a deja vu like aura that will last 15-30 seconds but after I have no idea what the aura was about and I get a rising feeling in my gut and my body is just numb but unsettled feeling for a few minutes after. It used to be much less frequent but in the past year they've started happening a few times a week. Some aren't full on though, now that they're more constant, some are like teasers.. that sinking, familiar feeling will come on like a spurt then vanish almost like a warning. Those, just leave me in suspense more than anything. Other than that, I get terrible tension headaches. It's hell but I'm still here and I still manage. Coping is one hell of a task though.

I was a professional intelligent talented woman before the TBI 15yrs ago. You can grind your way through all the hard physical challenges, the exhausting medical stuff and dehumanizing insurance interactions that never stop, the money struggles and daily frustrations of keeping house when you struggle to get anything done. You can be loved, admired for your skills, and ability to survive so much. But you know what, the devastating part is that I can wreck my relationship with friends and family, but especially our wider community who don't understand or even see the TBI, by my Jekyll and Hyde bulldog outbursts over the stupidest things, in the most inappropriate places. Later with insight I'll understand, try to apologize and make amends.. but I can't take away the grief, broken trust and wariness. 

I was assaulted at work. Punched repeatedly in the temple ,jaw, neck. And shoved in a corner. Just being a manager approaching a employer about doing her job. An unstable woman. Conversation got heated. Before I knew it my life had stopped. 32 years in a practice. Talk about. Career over. No memory of my dental knowledge. Now what..

I am 18 years old, turning 19 years this July. I wrestled all four years of high school and competed through some minor concussions. When I arrived at school for my first semester of college, I decided to join the Men's Rugby Club. During one our games, I was running full speed towards an opposing player to clear him out (put him on his ass). Right before impact, he lowered his head as he attempted to steal the ball from my tackled teammate. I collided with him head to head. I continued to play and in the next game I was elbowed in the temple. What resulted was 3 days in bed during fall break with a constant massive headache. I felt like I could not speak properly because I kept forgetting what I was going to say. Everything was just too loud or too bright. It just sucked. Ever since I have noticed frequent mood swings and a "short fuse". I have also noticed that the smallest of things cause me to become irritated. I often get upset, whether its angry or sad, and end up asking myself "what is actually wrong?" and will either blame it on pointless things and get myself all worked up, or I will respond saying "I honestly don't know". After reading this article, it all makes sense. 

11 yrs post tbi & my moods are still all over.

I am currently 15 1/2 years post brain injury after suffering a stroke during brain surgery in the middle of my brain near the areas that govern emotion and cognition and was finally diagnosed with PBA after thinking I was going crazy.  What a relief that this is an actual problem and not some sort of personality defect that I have had all along that no one told me about.

I love the comment about that was the old me now we have to start out with a new me it is mainly my children that I wish you could understand. thanks Julie

In 2013 in October I got a bad concussion from my last soccer game. I have had 2 minor concussions in previous years from soccer but this one was the worst. I was out of sports and activity for a whole year. Just this past September and October I was in and out of the neurologist office. I took a neurophysc test and got a Mri on my brain because I was still experiencing symptoms and also minor memory loss as well as other things. Everything came back good but I also feel as if I get very angry at little things or for no reason at all. I think things that I would never have thought of before this, such as wanting to harm myself to feel better(not cutting) which I do not do by the way or wanting to hit or break things to let the anger out or even just sit there and cry for no reason. My emotions are a roller coaster and I dont know how to control them as much. The doctors can't find anything but I know there are things still wrong with me. I have random headaches, neck pain, constant ringing ears, and my eyes randomly move or flicker. It's weird and I don't want to be put on meds because I don't want to get addicted to them or feel like I need them. That's always been a fear of mine. I've been suggested to go to physical therapy but that just helps with neck problems and getting my memory and other skills close to where they were. I know there are others out there that are way worse than me and have other problems so I try not to complain about it. The one thing that has helped me is positivity and a complete outlook on things. -Angela

I had an accident whilst riding my bicycle 2 years ago. I hit a parked car and was thrown to the ground hitting my head on the pavement, I wasn't wearing my helmet. I suffered 3 cracks to my skull , a front lobe damage injury was found, I was transferred to hospital, luckily after observation my neurosurgeon decided not to operate. My neurosurgeon stated how very lucky I was that the injury wasn't worse however I've been suffering from anxiety in my business, I'm always trying to find solutions to solve problems that may occur. I have real difficulty in dealing with only 3 or 4 tasks to do when I used to thrive on a full page of issues. I don't seem to have a normal mood level anymore, it's either happy or sad, there seems to be no level. I've put some of these symptoms down to age, I'm now 43 but a good friend of mine often talks about how different I was before the accident. I suffer from dizziness when I suddenly get up from sitting or lying down. Has anyone else had similar effects ? Steve 

I had a horrible brain injury ending my freshman year of high school (June 2010). I'm now 19 years old. Everything changed after it. I just never felt like the same kid. Feel like it gets better but worse every year.

Banged my head 20 years ago in a car accident and now still unemployed. I noticed the changes and told my relatives that the old me had "died" and they should deal with the new me who "survived." Life is hard but I need to keep striving despite being injured for life.

Thank you I've had a brain I jury and that was well put

My mum had a few drinks and went out for a meal with my auntie and her drink got spiked she fell and banged her head which knocked her out m, she woke up in hospital the next day. Today she got angry over something that wouldn't normally annoy her, she ended up throwing things at me which she would never normally do either, I'm really worried I know it doesn't sound like something to worry about but it isn't like her at all, please help

In 2006, I was 28 yrs old and in my last year of my BSN 4 year nursing degree. My husban at the time was driving when we were hit head on by a semi w/out a trailer on the back. I was airlifted from a field right next to us and a doctor was in the line of traffic. I experience all these, except I have not seen one about medication. I have all kinds of problems: memory, personality, not being a responsible adult, etc. The one that scares me the most is that my bran is not registering medications. They have no effect on me. I have complained to doctors and seeked help. Like you guys say tho, they just look at you in disbelief oor ike your crazy. I can take anything that normal people take with no effect. I have been shot up with pain medication in the hospital for kidney stones and my family think I would be stoned and I was straight and narrow as could be. Only time this has not happened is in surgery. I can take benadryl, something that I normally had to take before for severe allergies. It use to knock me out it no longer does that. I have never did drugs or been on drugs but when I noticed that my medicine was not helping I got scared and paranoid of course.   Pain medicine did not help me so I was eating more and more. I began having blood pressure problems because of the pain and because the pain medication was not helping me. By the way I was drug free before and came home to begin dealing with chronic pain and was prescribed morphine and perkocets. When they were not helping I became paranoid about getting addicted to them and being in chronic pain and I never slept because of insomnia, but at the time thought it was all the pain meds too. I also had 3 boys to raise alone ages 1, 2, and 7. I divorced and met my husband who I have now. We have had a long winding road but we have stuck it out and held in there. He is my "human savior." He balances me out and helps me thru all my chaos. He is very patient and kind, but we have had many obstacles, he is also 5 years younger than I... When I met him he to me to stop the pain meds and try marijuana. It is the only drug I take besides my recent hormone medication from having a total hysterectomy. I am now 36 years old, while most of the time acting out as a young teenage girl. I have managed to keep and raise my 3 boys, but it is not getting no easier. Just harder and harder. I get no improvement with any meds. At one point I looked like a walking pharmacy at the age of 28, 27, 29! Finally I gave up and never went back to a doctor, psychiatrist, etc for my TBI because none of them believed me.... Does anyone else have this problem with medication not working? I havent touched a pain pill since like the end of 07, but could take a OPANA or OXYCOTIN 80 and it does nothing. I can get a shot of demoral or the other one cant remember the name and it does not have no effect. Dont get sleepy, nothing. I couldnt get high off the drug even if I wanted to or any of the others. It scares me tho because I am afraid my brain is not accepting signals or signaling them. What if I could have a heart attack or something and not even know it and the docs just will not listen at all. We are surrounded by many meth users and druggies, but I have never lived that life, but I was surrounded by it and know it all to well.

I am happy with marijuana as my treatment. It helps tremendously with all the symptoms of PTSD and the TBI! Best therapeutic natural drug that God ever gave us... to bad it is still not legal in all the states for treatment in what we all have in this group. You can get on with daily functions so much easier. 

I don’t have the problem of medications not affecting me, but all medications now make me sleepy...like very sleepy. That did not used to happen pre-TBI.

Nov, 2011, my son's wife left him after 20 yrs. marriage, in April 2012, our son was on the way to work on a motor scooter when he was hit from behind ending up with Severe Brain Trauma.  For a year he could not drive, then he more than anything he wanted a job.  He did not want to be on disability.  He had lost two houses, two kids, a wife, his job and his personal property to his wife after she put a protective order on him.  He remembered that after his TBI, but today I am told he is in jail for grabbing his girlfriends arms and bruising them.  He has been trying and trying to find a job and got more and more depressed.  So I guess he was getting more and more irritable and depressed.  Is this a problem for other TBI - not being able to find a job?

Hi there - I went searching, again, today after crying and crying over how different my son is. After some good progress, his moodiness and meaness overwhelmed me. I am so sorry for what you are going through. My son has had multiple frontal lobe concussions and the last four years have been so hard. I have found help and support in researching, researching, and reading, reading, TON'S. Most states are way behind on TBI, especially those 15 - 20%/that have lasting effects after "mild"/TBI. My journey has led me to mount sanai school of medicine's brain injury research.http://icahn.mssm.edu/research/centers/brain-injury-research-center-of-mount-sinai. I have called and also emailed.back and forth with one of the leading doctors. He referred me to an expert near us, Dr. Ronald Ruff. My son has been seeing him for almost a year. The brain injury association has also been immensely helpful in resources, connections, and advice http://www.biausa.org. they should be able to give information about a TBI support group. My biggest of advice is to get in contact with those that understand because it's so foreign and most not living it have no idea. Those that live in this world get it. Also, I'm not sure how spiritual you are, but I have spent many a.morning in the shower, on my knees crying out to and praying to God which has helped immensely. Part of the symptoms is not recognizing they need help. Also, besides the brain being injured and reacting so differently, often our loved ones are acting out due to the stress, shame and confusion they feel about not being able to make sense of their deficits, which are likely more than the behaviors being exhibited - such as fatigue (I learned from Dr. Ruff that most that have suffered a concussion are more tired and fatigued - many for a long, long time- in a way that really taxes them mentally, emotionally, and physically), memory, sensory overload (which you've mentioned), difficulty with attention, difficulty with the abstract, difficulty with self awareness, and more. My best to you and your family.

My Husband suffered a frontal lobe tbi three years ago now, tried to go back to work the next day which made it so much worse, and now he is getting better physically, the dizziness, blurred vision, better, but the smells, sounds and TOTAL LACK OF EMPATHY is worse? The kids handle it better than I do,I find myself crying all the time because although I know this isn't him,it'sthe injury, in reality it is him, the new him after tbi, and i have to learn to live with it, the temper flares, the mean comments, the my way or the highway mindset, it's so hard. He didn't used to be so mean, unsympathetic, he was kind, generous,a truly sweet man. But this injury has changed him. He doesn't believe in therapy or doctors for medication so thats out, now I'm depressed and have to figure out how live with this. At times he is how he used to be, then he will yell at me for how I cook, when it's the same way I've cooked for ten years. His sense of smell is so overly sensitive now that I can't wear any perfume, have to use just water to clean, he can't handle any noise, so many changes, he very rarely will go out in public now....is anyone else going through this and where do we turn?

My son has so many of the same symptoms your husband has. He has become so insensitive and insulting. He has always loved kids but it wasn't until he was 33 that he had a son with his GF. He idolizes his son who is going on two now but has a niece that he seems to single out and is downright mean to her. She's only seven and its killing her because she doesn't understand why this person she absolutely loves is treating her so badly. I cry a lot and pray that its only temporary. I so feel for you and others going through this.

May I suggest seeing a NEUROpsychologist... This kind of psychologist will give you a better understanding of how the brain works and how your injury will effect you and your loved ones. Just any psychologist or counselor will not have an understanding of your situation and will treat you as if you have no TBI

hi guys ive had a tbi in april 2014 4months ago short term memory is a real problem and long term memory is affected iys there sort of but seems cloudy. ive been through lots of changes i dribble now and struggle to stop and when i laugh similar thing struggle to stop. i do have big mood swings i can go from one minute happy and really up for it thinking i can takle anything. then next minutr i can get upset and angry so quickly is this normal? and how long do changes last for is it life or months/years? dr dont seem to know also left hand shakes but i feel that could be to do with nerve damage

I seem to have turned off any emotions

I suffered a tbi 7 years ago. For the first couple of years i would uncontrollably laugh at any little thing while feeling sad and depressed at the same time. Now i have levelled out pretty well and i almost behave like a normal person only I continue being eccentric in my own adorable way.

I am a 32 year old man that experienced Traumatic brain injury 2 years ago. I feel like the Brain injury has fixed my emotions.

Hi my daughter who is now 9 had a accident a year ago which resulted in her fracturing her skull and having a bruise and two bleeds on her left frontal lobe of the brain. This past year has been a difficult year, as my daughter has now been assessed to have adhd but we have also noticed within this year my daughter has been having rapid emotional mood changes and without a trigger can become very very upset or angry . I'm just wundering if anybody could say weather this will be due to her adhd or her brain injury ... Many thanx ..x

My daughter, Anna now 15 years old suffered brain damage from epilepsy when she was 2 and 3 years old. She find so much difficult. We have 4 other children and home life is becoming so awful and sad, she cannot cope with any demands and freaks out at going to bed or people coming round or basically any demands on her. I am becoming as her mother very exhausted by it all and do not know how to make her happy. She laughs hysterically and the next minute she is sreaming / crying uncontrollably. I have a 4 year old whom finds this very very disturbing. I am trying to get her into a residential school where she would have 24 hour care and come home every other weekend. She would learn to sleep there and receive the one on one care she so needs. However, the council will not support this idea. I feel so sorry for her as she is becoming so withdrawn at home with all the other siblings and so needs some one on one care and a social life that this school would provide. All very sad. She is so beautiful but so unhappy a lot of the time. A hard life for her and the people that love her. Help!! Ali
My name is Sean, I had a traumatic brain injury 28 years ago, coma 11 days, stroke. I just wish I looked different, I appear normal, but what is normal? I too wish I would've died, life can be a struggle everyday. Take care of yourselves fellow T.B.I. survivors.
