Touro Rehabilitation Center

The Touro Rehabilitation Center offers treatment for individuals with head trauma at all stages of recovery. There are both inpatient and outpatient programs. The inpatient program focuses on regaining physical, cognitive, behavioral and social interaction skills, as well as achieving educational, vocational, social and/or leisure goals. The outpatient program provides treatments for individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, strokes, or other neurological impairments. Depending on their individualized treatment goals, day clients may pursue the following tracks:

  • Educational re-entry - for those who plan to continue their educational pursuits
  • Vocational - for those who exect to be eligible for supported or competitive employment
  • Home/Community - for those who need assistance in becoming more independent in their current environment.
1401 Foucher Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Brain Injury Program
Neuro Rehab Center